Monday, January 15, 2007

We're ORIGINAALS. How about you?

Anthropologists now admit that the original life form we now call "human" began in Africa. This site is about the descendants of those humans who were, er, uh, "relocated" to a land called America, and who, in spite of everything, survived and thrived. They see themselves as originals - or, more uniquely, ORIGINAALS.

My goal is simple: To be the one source for anyone serious about knowing the incredibly rich history and the endlessly new world of creative African America. Whether in the fine or commercial arts, from painters, to writers, to singers and dancers, to architects, to filmmakers, and graphic, industrial, product, fashion, communications, video, game, even software designers, from admen to madmen (and women), I plan to celebrate the work and the people behind it.

Many of these people, historically and now, are hidden. We intend to change that - for good.

This is the beginning of a blog that I plan to make one of the "must-see" places on the web for anyone interested learning about and exploring the vast world of African-American creativity.

I know. I know. It's an almost insanely grandiose ambition, but it's mine and I'm sticking to it.



Welcome back Lowell! Its greta to see you here. The web is all of a sudden a lot more interesting.

Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith said...

Lowell: And all along, I thought the Double A in OriginAAls was for my first name, Adrienne. How wrong I was? Embarrassingly so.

Or even perhaps those of us who have A-Type Personalities and/or A-Positive Blood. Never once did I think it stood for AA: as in Alcoholics Anonymous or any other assorted Acronym that Pops into mind! However, for the 2 years, I've known U, Lowell, you only get better with Age, like Fine Wine, especiaally (note and notice the double 'a' in there, inspired by you, of course, Mr. T.) with your Arts, Photography, Writing and Talks that spur people on to examine their own Reason to be.

Somebody should see the Talents of your Ways and sponsor you for a Lowell Hour on WBEZ perhaps or WTTW here in Chicago, as you are, by far, one of the most talented Artists (no matter what your Color)that walked the Streets of 'Sweet Home Chicago.'

You go, Lowell. Straight to the top!


ASK: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith

Posted: Thurs., 7-17-8. 3:37 PM CST